
GENE and Pennies: A Seamless Integration Journey 

GENE Commerce, an agency devoted to making a difference in the community, enthusiastically joined hands with Pennies for an exciting digital charity adventure. Together, they’ve embarked on this journey, integrating Pennies into the checkout systems of select clients. This included integrating Pennies into Choice Shops, Age UK and Incontinence Choice.

Rob Rees, Digital Business Development Manager at Pennies says:

“Pennies is a small charity making a big difference. We can only do this thanks to the support of our incredible technology partners, like GENE commerce. The whole team are a joy to work with, and they have all gone above and beyond to support our mission of making giving simple, everyday. 

Although Pennies is over 10 years old and has enabled 190m individual donations – we are relatively new to the Magento eco-system, so GENE’s support, expertise, and generosity have been crucial to our success in 2023.

Thanks to their work on Age Co, Choice Shops and numerous planned implementations and client intros – GENE are on track to unlock at least £100,000 for charity, every single year. Funding that will support amazing causes like Age UK and The Rainbow Trust.

The most exciting thing about our partnership is, we’ve only just started. We can’t wait for the incredible impact that is already lined up for 2024. From everyone at Pennies: THANK YOU!”