ways of working

Inside GENE’s Work DNA: Lauren Beer Shares Insights

Welcome to an exclusive peek into GENE’s innovative work ethos! In this interview, we’ll dive into the heart of GENE’s collaborative DNA, shared by Lauren Beer, the Head of Delivery. Lauren’s take offers a fascinating glimpse into how GENE fosters autonomous teams, champions radical collaboration, and cultivates a leadership style that empowers diverse teams to steer their own course.

GENE’s Unique Approach to Team Dynamics and Decision-Making

Lauren paints a vivid picture of GENE’s work ethos, emphasising the agency’s belief in empowering teams to take the reins. At GENE, it’s not just about teamwork; it’s about creating an environment where individuals flourish, contributing ideas, and owning the outcomes they drive.

To uncover more insights, we had a conversation with Lauren to pose a few questions. Lauren Beer, in her role as Head of Delivery at GENE, has steered numerous remarkable projects and guided teams for nearly 20 years.

How does GENE approach team collaboration and decision-making, and how does this approach influence client relationships?

At GENE, our success story is all about how we work together and make decisions – it’s not just about delivering projects, it’s about fostering strong client relationships. We kick off every project with a simple philosophy: understanding and aligning.

Our delivery philosophy revolves around four key principles – ‘Understand,’ ‘Align,’ ‘Promise,’ and ‘Flow.’ Understanding the project inside out and ensuring everyone’s on the same page is key. Without every team member pulling in the same direction, we risk losing the magic touch in our outcomes. Every project we handle is like tailoring a bespoke suit – it’s not one-size-fits-all. We uncover all the details, making sure it’s not just about meeting the client’s needs but speaking the same language throughout the journey.

‘Promise’ defines our commitment to making only those assurances that we’re certain to fulfil. This principle stems from our thorough understanding and alignment, ensuring that our commitments are realistic and achievable.

Meanwhile, ‘Flow’ characterises our dedication to taking ownership of our commitments and maintaining focus. It’s about each individual’s accountability, owning their promises, and staying resolute in their endeavours. Together, these four principles guide us in delivering exceptional outcomes while fostering a culture of understanding and alignment. 

In addition, we’re big on transparency. We often surprise people with how open we are, but it works; being open about potential bumps in the road and showing how invested we are sets the stage for an honest, joint venture. This level of openness builds trust – the kind that fortifies our teamwork with clients.

Our transparent and synced approach crafts a shared vision, ensuring we not only meet but exceed our clients’ expectations, building a sense of trust that forms the backbone of our collaborative spirit.

Could you elaborate on your personal leadership style and how it contributes to GENE’s collaborative work environment?

I approach leadership with a hands-off style that values independent learning and growth. To me, learning often involves exploring, experimenting, and seeking guidance when necessary.

Creating an environment where taking risks and learning from mistakes is encouraged fosters a sense of ownership among the team. I’ve observed that these moments of trial and error are invaluable for our growth.

Being approachable is crucial. I aim to cultivate an open-door culture where team members feel comfortable seeking help or guidance whenever needed.I firmly believe in equipping the team with information and enabling them to make their own decisions. Ownership flourishes when individuals feel empowered to act.

Our journey as a team is guided by feedback. We’re a group that continuously evolves, adapting to new challenges. Embracing a mindset of experimentation, review, and refinement, we value constant input from our team.

This collaborative and empowering leadership style isn’t just about me—it’s part of our team’s DNA at GENE. It’s what fuels our innovation and drives us toward success.

How does GENE ensure continuous learning and growth for its teams within this autonomy-driven environment?

Continuous learning and growth are at the heart of what we do at GENE. We believe in creating an environment where our teams flourish, empowered by autonomy.

Retrospectives play a significant role in our growth journey. Our approach allows us to not only celebrate our wins but also acknowledge the challenges that were beyond our control. However, the real magic happens when we zoom in on areas where we have the power to make a difference. It’s easy to pinpoint imperfections in hindsight, but it’s far more rewarding to channel our energy into actionable steps that lead to tangible outcomes. This forward-thinking approach shifts our focus from problems to opportunities, empowering the team to take charge.

Our Lunch & Learn program is a team favourite! It’s a diverse mix of sessions where everyone can join in – from technical deep dives to engaging project case studies, partner-led insights, and monthly wellbeing sessions. We encourage our teams to step out of their comfort zones and participate in various sessions across GENE’s spectrum. This exposure beyond their expertise fosters a better understanding of our collective opportunities as a company. Everyone has a voice; we welcome suggestions for topics and initiatives that benefit the entire team.

This commitment to continuous learning and shared experiences isn’t just a checkbox for us – it’s embedded in our culture at GENE. It’s what fuels our growth and propels us toward new horizons.

Looking ahead, how do you envision GENE’s work culture evolving while maintaining its emphasis on team autonomy and collaboration?  

When we talk about the future of GENE’s work culture, we’re diving into what makes us unique – the fusion of diverse skills and expertise. Witnessing this fusion, where talents intertwine to create remarkable work that everyone genuinely values, is truly inspiring. It’s this collaboration that fuels our passion project after project.

Our evolution is a story of unity, where we listen to each other, learn together, and grow as a robust team. This shared journey continuously fortifies us.

Looking ahead, we’re thrilled about welcoming new faces into our family. As we expand, we’re committed to welcoming individuals who bring their own distinct qualities into our mix. It’s these unique contributions that will keep GENE as a true reflection of the incredible individuals who make up our team – our very own GENEPool, if you will 😉

This future we envision isn’t just a vision – it’s our aspiration. We’re excited to embrace diversity, strengthen collaboration, and continue to build a workplace where every individual shines.

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